
Noise pollution by... robo calls

As stated at badpitch.blogspot.com, studies show that noise pollution works. Voters receive hundreds of messages via post, SMS and robo calls, as politicians make every effort to make known their candidacy and gain people’s support.

In Greece the use of computer delivered pre-recorded messages, is not widely spread, as still it is expected a more personalised approach by the politicians. But in U.S. the use of robo call has turned into major social problem during pre-election periods. U.S. legislation does not allow the use of robo calls for telemarketing purposes, but exempts political parties and politicians as they are considered a separate category.

Although there are many displeased citizens that receive numerous calls, this method is still used because it is evaluated as effective. Robo calls are helpful in introducing a candidate or a famous supporter of him/ her out there ,while it costs just few pennies per call. The problem is currently so extensive that an advocacy group (http://www.stoppoliticalcalls.org/) with over 200.000 members emerged. This non profit organisation collects the contact details of people who do not wish to receive robo calls and sends them to all political parties, candidates and political action committees.

Although it is a great initiative, I believe that candidates by themselves are the ones that have to put an end in this techno-harassment. If they do not respect the voters how they can count on them for their vote?
A politician that would follow an explicit anti-robo calls campaign would have many chances to be a winner!

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