
The value of feedback

Many businesses in Greece have incorporated social media in their communication strategy but there are still others that due to the fear of bad reputation or negative feedback keep denying to evolve.

Feedback, according to a social media survey conducted on behalf of PRWeek, MS&L and CA Walker, is the number one business use of social media, while second comes the consumer understanding and the competitive landscape and third the relationship building with the key influencers.

Feedback is directly associated to the two way communication, both asymmetric and symmetric. As Grunig and Hunt supported, the feedback of a two way asymmetric communication is used in order a business to adapt more persuasive communication strategies, while the feedback as a product of a two way symmetric communication aims to alert the position of both organization and publics on an issue. The second approach leads to the Public Relations Excellence.

Its up to every business’s decision therefore, to choose the easier way of asymmetric two way communication or the challenging symmetric one, that will transform it to a business that truly cares about its customers and makes any effort to provide them the best.

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