
Twitter on U.S. Midterm Elections 2010

According to an analysis, on the 2009 gybernatorial elections, campaign staff used conversational tweets to reach out to reporters and voters on Twitter (Holmes Report). But in the U.S. Midterm Elections 2010, the use of Twitter went a big step further. November 2nd, was the first day ever, that U.S. citizens were able to follow elections -via text and video – on Twitter.com.

Τhis new service included:

- Twitter feeds from the Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party and the Libertarians

- Comprehensive lists of all the House, Senate and Gubernatorial candidates on Twitter - compiled by CSPAN

- Twitter media team worked with top media outlets to integrate Tweets into their election coverage and to bring it onto Twitter.com

- By clicking on #Election on the Twitter.com home page, twitters could see the Washington Post’s election coverage, including breaking news on race results, reports from the polling places and live video

- New York Times incorporated Times journalists' Tweets into its election coverage, while they had a visualization showing Tweets to and from the candidates in races around the country, while

- CNN analysed tens of thousands of Tweets of that day and therefore created a new way to understand the different shades of the tweeting public’s thoughts and conversations about key races and issues

Quit impressive!!!