
President's personal blog

Every day an increasing number of politicians create and maintain blogs, Facebook and Twitter accounts. Social media are excellent communication tools for recasting yourself, by pass the media and get out your own unvarnished and unedited message immediately and with the minimum cost.

Moreover, this direct way of communication is perceived by the public as very real, and intimate while it enriches the conversation and provides a forum for an exchange of ideas that, for a public official, is very important.
President Medvedev is one of the public officials that extensively uses social media in an effort to reach his people and create a techn-savvy but at the same time fatherly profile (sports.themoscowtimes.com) .

Since 2008, Medvedev organised four online conferences where his 83 public offices were giving people a chance to set a complaint. Moreover, in the begging of 2009, an official blog for the Russian President had been launched on Twitter, under the name KremilinRussiaE in which reports, announcements and press releases were posted while last month was announced the launch of his second Twitter blog. MedvedvRussia will be a private blog where the President will personally write all its posts.
As Medvedev stated, speaking to the public through his blog is organic in order for hims to maintain direct contact with the public.

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